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MOON 是一个具有双重精神的多学科创意。 MOON 出生于海龟岛,父母是牙买加人,目前居住在牙买加金斯敦,他更喜欢通过他们的创作来说话。
对于 MOON 来说,音乐是一种通用语言。 将感觉转化为声音的能力是一种魔法,也是一种应该明智使用的力量。 MOON 的音乐探索了他们的血统、环境和体验的各种音景。
"Lovemaking, begging, summoning and poetry are laid across static, missed tempos and vibing – showing a side to music that traditionally has been scorned. This record is a testament to Jamaica’s changing times and views, in the music industry and in communication with ourselves and those we love."
– Shekinah Ade Gold, Jamaican Art Hub

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